Destiny game wallpapers for mobile phone and iphone 640×960

In the fun of the new destiny dlc and the news of the future dlc we bring you these destiny wallpapers for mobile and iphone. Remember that these are 640×960 backgrounds so their destiny iphone wallpapers as well.

Destiny is one of the years biggest games with dlc packs being released from its 2014 release and the next 2 years are covered and the destiny 2 expansion is set for fall 2016 at $60.

The taken king is a major dlc update released a few weeks ago sources say the franchise is moving to micro transactions for things like sparrow skins and emotes. Also there will be story dlc updates released up to next fall.

It seems quite certain that destiny will be one of the next big continious franchises to hit the world of gaming and if they keep up the updates and dlc then it should be here to stay for quite a long time yet.

We mainly have some great pictures of titan, hunter and warlock of and theres a nice pic of the queen of the reef in there too.

I thought that 640×960 destiny mobile wallpapers would be a good choice as we have added a lot of 1080×1920 and 1440×2560 images lately so focusing on this resolution would be a good idea.
Destiny wallpapers for mobile below:

i love destiny
the tower
another poster
warlock again
the taken king titan
ttk hunter
the fallen captain
the queen of the reef
titan again
hunter the mask of the third man
hunter poster
more hunter
destiny logo symbol
a good scene